Reaching Our Generation

September 2, 2023

Topic: Generations

Book: Psalms

Reaching Our Generation

Key Verse: One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. Ps. 145:4

Young people have a special place in the heart of God. Mary was a young girl chosen to carry the Savior of the world. David was a young shepherd boy chosen to be king. When a young boy gave Jesus his lunch, a multitude was fed. Jeremiah was chosen as a young prophet to speak to a sinful generation. Young Timothy was ordained as a minister and wrote two books of the bible. What will be the works of God with the young generation of today? It will depend on all generations of the church to gather and make room for their purpose in God’s plan.

Every day, our young generation is being influenced by the ways of this world, and the church cannot afford to just stand and watch. When religion limits them from doing something, they are lured by, what seems like, the easy ways of this world. We must tell this generation of God’s mighty works so they know that there is something better. As the church, we cannot remain silent. We must encourage them to see God’s plan for their life fulfilled and empower them to walk in it.

We emplore you to come alongside this generation to overcome their fears and mobilize them to walk in God’s ways and fulfill their purpose!