Empowered | Life in the Spirit

May 28, 2023

Series: Empowered

Empowered | Life in the Spirit

Listen to Sermon

Key Verse:
Acts 1: 8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

God has blessed us with a life that’s full of joy, goodness, sorrow and pain. Sometimes life is good, and other times it is hard. Whichever season we find ourselves in, we must know that God has provided for us an opportunity to navigate this life with Him. He has given us of Himself through the Holy Spirit living in us. He empowers us to live for Him as we choose to live by the Spirit.

And when we are faced with the choice to obey God or choose our own way, the Holy Spirit who lives in us, gives us the power to choose between the two. Join us for our new series as we celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit upon our life. We will gather on Pentecost weekend to remember one of the greatest events in biblical history and then continue our discovery of life in the Spirit.