Our Story
Liberty Christian Center began in August of 1987 when Pastors William and Emilia Vazquez answered God’s call to begin a small group. They met with only two teenagers in the basement of their Northwest side home in which they still reside today. The youth gave their lives to God and a fire ignited in their lives which resulted in the spreading of God’s word among their peers. These young people invited their friends who also invited more friends and Liberty Christian Center was born.
Click HERE to read more about our story.
Our Vision
“By Serving the People, We Serve the Lord.”
“just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” Mt. 20:28
We exist to lead people in a “non-religious” authentic relationship with God that will result in serving others the way Jesus served us. Our purpose is to develop people into servant leaders for Christ as they serve others. This purpose is developed through a commitment to our three step strategy and five principles of our vision.
Five Principles of our Vision
First, we believe in the need for everyone to live a life of daily consecration to God through prayer, fasting, and reading of the Word. Second, is to understand the need for continual outreach to those who need Jesus. Third, is to edify every believer through participation in discipleship training and small group life. Fourth, is to train everyone to become servant leaders by participating in our seminary. Lastly, our vision is to commission believers to serve others in ministry.
We focus on the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that offers the free gift of eternal salvation to everyone without exception.
We believe in the need to edify every believer through biblical teaching, discipleship and seminary training, and community life in small groups.
We promote the natural process of individual and corporate multiplication that comes from sharing life testimony with others of God’s amazing work in the life of the believer.
What We Believe
The Holy Trinity: One God in three persons as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Atonement for Sin: Jesus voluntarily died on the cross in our place for our salvation.
The Ascension: Jesus ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father
The Creation of Man: Man has been created in the image of God.
Man’s Sinful Nature: Man’s nature is corrupt and unable to please God without the Holy Spirit
The Free Gift of Salvation: Salvation is a work of God’s free grace and is not gained by human works.
The Work of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is real and present in the life of the believer through faith.
The Authority of Christ: Jesus Christ is the head of the Church.
The Return of Christ: Jesus Christ is coming back again to gather up His church.
The Great Commission: We must share the Gospel throughout the whole world and make disciples.
Satan’s Doom: Satan is real and seeks man’s destruction: he will be defeated at the hands of Jesus.
Sex & Marriage: Sex is for marriage. Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman by God.
Water Baptism: Baptism is for believers in Christ and is to be administered by full immersion.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit: We believe in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as on the day of Pentecost.
Holy Communion: Holy Supper gives witness to the unifying of the church and Christ’s return.
Giving: We are stewards of God’s blessings supporting the local church through tithing and offerings.
Our Senior Leadership Team
Rev. Tommy & Lourdes Molina
Senior Pastors
Pastor Tommy was born and raised in Chicago. He has been with Liberty since he surrendered his life to Jesus at the age of 15. The beginning of his college studies in architecture led him to enter a season of rebellion against God. This led him to sin in ways he would have never thought before giving his life to Jesus. Partying and drinking led him to begin dating a beautiful young woman named Lourdes, whom shortly after became pregnant. After a few years of working toward their college degrees, public aid, and working to support their newborn son, they surrendered to God realizing they could not do it on their own strength.
Vowing to not become another negative Latino statistic, Tommy completed his bachelors degree in Architecture and Lourdes in Early Childhood Education. His wife Lourdes has been a full-time teacher with CPS for over 29 years. After 18-1/2 years working in the field of architecture, God called Tommy in 2016 to leave secular work and begin full time ministry. After 5 years of serving as executive pastors and the recent passing of their spiritual father, Rev. William Vazquez, the mantle was passed onto them to serve as the new Senior Pastors of Liberty.
Their son Justin is married to his childhood sweetheart Janessa and have twin boys named Zacharias and Matthias. Their daughter Mia graduated college with a degree in psychology and is currently involved with young adults ministry and the worship team. Pastor Tommy & Lourdes’ testimony gives hope to many that despite making poor choices in life, with God at the center of their relationship, it is possible to serve together as a family.
Rev. Emilia Vazquez
Pastor Emeritus/ Founder
Rev. Emilia Vazquez was raised in a foster home and met her late husband, William Vazquez, while serving the Lord together in a Defender church. She and her husband founded Liberty Christian Center (Centro Cristiano Libertad) over 36 years ago.
Pastor Millita, as she is affectionately known, has served in ministry for over 40 years. Her and her husbands legacy in building leaders and spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ has resulted in successfully launching multiple daughter churches and mentoring a multitude of ministry leaders in the Chicagoland area who now pastor their own churches and lead their own ministries.
She served as the primary Senior leader during her husbands illness until his passing in September of 2021. Upon his passing, she passed on the mantle of senior leadership to her spiritual children, Pastors Tommy & Lourdes Molina. Pastor Emilia continues to preach the gospel, provide mentorsship, and remains on the church board as founder providing leadership guidance and counsel as needed.