Before I Go…

April 3, 2024

Series: Before I Go...

Before I Go...

Key Verse: Acts 1:3

After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.

He has risen! Undoubtedly three of the most controversial words since AD 33. Theologians, historians, archeologist, and scientists throughout history have spent countless hours trying to prove or disprove whether Jesus rose from the grave. Whether one believes He did or did not, the eyewitness accounts of those who saw Him, ate with Him, walked with Him, and spoke to Him cannot be disproven. After prophesying His own resurrection, it would seem pointless for Him to remain on the Earth for 40 days before being glorified and ascending to the right hand of the Father. He could have vanished and left everyone to assume He was in heaven, but He didn’t.

While the reasons for answering the question “why did He stay?”, may be many. One thing is for sure; there was a message He needed to make clear and some kingdom business to attend to before He left and empowered us with His Spirit. As we journey beyond the death and resurrection of Christ, let us be immersed in the message of the risen Christ during the last forty days. We invite you to join us as we discover “Before I go” messages from Jesus that reveal spiritual lessons to lead us in our life today.

April 28, 2024: Pastor Tommy Molina | When You Come Up Empty

April 21, 2024: Pastor Tommy Molina | The Filling of Our Fears

April 14, 2024: Pastor Tommy Molina | Burning Hearts & Broken Bread

April 7, 2024: Pastor Tommy Molina | Don’t Hold onto Me