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But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. 1 Timothy 6:11

Retreat Purpose:

Every man has been created by God in His image, but this image has been distorted by our life expereinces and the influence of the world we live in. This has resulted in men living with an altered view of how a goldy man should live and have left other men searching for a false interpretation of what it means to be man.
In this era, God is calling men to realign with His divine plan for them and discover the authentic biblical manhood He always intended. Join us for a weekend isolated from our usual norms and set apart to hear from God and find divine direction for a man’s life. A mens retreat is an opportunity to find common ground with other men where you can receive encouragement and even seek out new friendships.


Tyler Medina is a young man who surrrendered his life to God as a teenager and is on fire for the Lord. He is a drummer on Liberty Worship, along with a young adult and youth leader, mentor and speaker. He has a heart for the mission field and serving those in need. He loves youth and to stay up late in worship and prayer.

Jason Balthazar grew up influenced by Chicago’s street life until he encountered God over 23 years ago. Today he is an elder at Liberty serving as speaker, and discipleship and missions pastor. His father’s heart has led him to be a father figure to many. He loves evangelism, bringing out the best in everyone, and a good biblical debate.

Christopher Negron, once entangled in Chicago’s street life, found redemption through faith, leaving behind gangs to embrace his God-given purpose. Now a father, husband, and grandfather, he is devoted to developing leaders and guiding youth. His experiences as a former youth pastor shape his empowering message of hope, unity, and compassion. He recently published his first book You’re One Decision Away From The Rest Of Your Life.

Rev. Tommy Molina, gave his life to Jesus at the age of 15 and has served at Liberty since. He currently serves as the senior pastor of Liberty Christian Center. He has been married to his wife Lourdes for 26 years and has two adult children, Justin and Mia, who serve the Lord. He has a heart to serve people, mentor men and married couples. He has a passion to teach, preach, and build God’s kingdom. He currently loves serving in his new role as “Welo” (Grandpa) to his twin toddler boys.


The Salvation Army Wonderland Camp and Conference Center
9241 Camp Lake Rd, Salem, WI 53168

Map of Grounds

Wonderland Lodge – Second Floor
2 men per room. Please note in order to maximize participants, single occupancy is not available. Only 17 rooms are available.

Wonderland Lodge Rooms

Friday, September 27th
Please note this schedule is subject to change
4pm: Arrival
5pm-6:30pm: Check-In
7pm: Session One

Saturday, September 28th
Please note this schedule is subject to change
7am: Prayer & Worship
8:30am: Breakfast
10am: Session Two
11am: Session Three
12:30: Lunch
2pm: Group Activities/ Free Time
5:30pm: Dinner
7pm: Session Four
9:30pm: Bonfire Worship & Reflection

Sunday September 29th
Please note this schedule is subject to change
7am: Prayer & Worship
8:30am: Breakfast
10am: Reflection & Testimonies
12pm: End/Depart


$250 per person
Includes: two nights lodging, 5 meals, all session materials, and t-shirt.

The Rgistration for the Men’s Retreat is Now Closed.